Whānau and Hapori Māori Advisory Group online hui

Manwataki Fatu Fatu Whānau and Hapori Māori Advisory Group - zoom hui in November 2022
Members of the Manwataki Fatu Fatu Whānau and Hapori Māori Advisory Group met for the first time in November. This online hui was an opportunity for whakawhanaungatanga and to set the direction of the rōpū going forward.
Attending the hui were Matua Warahi Paki, Matua Teoti Jardine and Whaea Maringi Parnell, along with Manawataki Fatu Fatu Māori team members Associate Professor Matire Harwood, Dr Karen Brewer and PhD candidate Taria Tane. The members of the advisory group bring a wealth of experience from working in health and ministry, as well as personal and whānau experiences with heart conditions.
Rōpū members spoke about their experiences of giving and receiving health care, including the importance of having kaimahi Māori involved in patient care, and the challenges that kaimahi Māori face. The rōpū reminded the academics in the team to stay focused on the delivery end and provide simple messages that will keep people well. We also got told to “hurry up” with this important kaupapa.
The Manawataki Fatu Fatu team would like to express their sincere gratitude to our Whānau and Hapori Māori Advisory Group for sharing their wisdom and insights with us. We look forward to our next hui in February 2023.
Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou Pākehā
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