Dr Tua Taueetia-Su’a on Samoa Capital Radio

Manuia le Tausaga Fou!
We trust you had a restorative break with friends and whānau over the holidays.
Our wonderful Senior Research Fellow, Dr Tua Taueetia-Su’a, who is based in Lower Hutt, gave an interview with Samoa Capital Radio just before Christmas. You can see the interview here (at 3:11:00 to 3:55:10) in the Samoan language:
We are still recruiting for participants for our qualitative study, and can accommodate interviews in Te Reo Māori and some Pacific languages. We’d love to hear about your (or your whānau’s) heart health experiences and aspirations to help improve services for Māori and Pacific peoples. Contact the Manawataki Fatu Fatu team at 0800 26 26 29 or manawafatu@auckland.ac.nz
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