The hui was hosted at Te Papa Ako o Tai Tonga, the University of Auckland South Auckland campus and was opened by Sir Jerry Mateparae, Chair of the Healthier Lives – He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge. The purpose of the hui was to document research, evaluation and current service delivery models and programmes focused on equitable access to evidence-based heart health care for Māori and Pacific people in Aotearoa New Zealand. Through the gathering, our aim was to create a roopu to support each other, share resources, inspire action and to make our mahi visible.
The hui was designed to gather contributions from participants across three streams:

The Landscape
Documenting previous, current and future research and services on equity in access to heart health care for Māori and Pacific peoples. What are the strengths and gaps of our collective mahi?

Our Vision
‘Where do we want to get to’: ideal picture(s) of Māori and Pacific heart health outcomes, supported by research and services. What are our shared aspirations?

Our Equity Roadmap
‘How do we get there’: next steps for achieving our strategic objectives, and brainstorming ways to build and foster alliances.