Manawataki Fatu Fatu for Achieving Cardiovascular Care for Equity StudieS (ACCESS) researches equity in heart health outcomes for Māori and Pacific peoples.

Meet our team
Our programme is led by Māori and Pacific researchers and a multicultural team with diverse clinical, public health and research experience.

Tēnā koutou katoa, Noa’ia, Mauri, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Tālofa, Kia orana, Mālō e lelei, Mālō nī, Talofa lava, Warm Pacific greetings!
We are seeking to interview Māori and / or Pacific patients or whānau, over the age of 18, with an experience of:
- Having a heart check
- Having a heart attack, angina or similar
- Having heart failure
Recent News
Te Whare Tukutuku day and CSANZ 2023
Manawataki Fatu Fatu was well-represented at this year's Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand meeting, kicking off with our Co-Principal Investigator, Corina Grey, delivering this year’s Heart Foundation NZ lecture. It was a fantastic opportunity for some of our PhD students to showcase...
Best poster award at Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research-Primary Health Care Symposium
Taria Tane receiving best poster award at the TUTOR 2023 SymposiumA huge congratulations to Taria Tane for winning best overall poster at the Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research-Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC) conference in Canada last month! Taria is a PhD candidate in the...
New year writing sprint
It's been a tough start to the year with Cyclone Gabrielle. We send our aroha to whānau affected. The Manawataki Fatu Fatu (MFF) programme was blessed to come together in late January for a 3-day writing intensive. It was a fantastic opportunity to spend a concentrated amount of time together...
Whānau and Hapori Māori Advisory Group online hui
Members of the Manwataki Fatu Fatu Whānau and Hapori Māori Advisory Group met for the first time in November. This online hui was an opportunity for whakawhanaungatanga and to set the direction of the rōpū going forward. Attending the hui were Matua Warahi Paki, Matua Teoti Jardine and Whaea...
Dr Brewer appearance before Waitangi Tribunal
Our Senior Research Fellow, Dr Karen Brewer had the privilege of appearing before the Waitangi Tribunal on 15th November 2022, as a technical witness. This was for WAI 2736 and 1781 which are part of the WAI 2575 kaupapa inquiry. As a speech-language therapist and kaupapa Māori researcher, she...
Help us understand experiences of pre-hospital ambulance care for Māori
WHAT? We would like to understand the experiences of Māori who received care from St John Ambulance staff for heart symptoms (chest pain, shortness of breath, racing heart) in the Auckland or Northland region between January 2018 and January 2024, and/or their whānau. HOW? It involves a 30-60...

Contact Us
Email: manawafatu@auckland.ac.nz
Toll free number: 0800 262629
Postal Address:
Dept of General Practice & Primary Healthcare
AUCKLAND 1023, New Zealand